Fun Stuff!

A Favorite Show

“Kindness Counts”

In this new era of smart phone technology, it is more important than ever to teach our little ones how to make good choices, how to be a good friend, read body language, and identify emotions using their words.  This fun and interactive program is lively, funny and full of surprises!

Learn more »

Cole the Stinky Dog


 © Caryn B. Davis Photography



Music with Margie is all about...

Early Childhood Music and Movement consultant and family performer, Margie Warner, has a unique understanding of what makes kids tick. Libraries, schools, daycares and family resource centers have been enthusiastically recommending her interactive programming for kids from 1 to 100!

“At heart, I will always think of myself as a preschool teacher, even though my career has expanded into so much more.” 

In addition to ‘stand alone’ performances, and staying true to her teaching roots, Margie offers residencies during the school year as “Music With Margie ™ “, a joy-based music and movement preschool curriculum focused on the simple truth that children learn and retain knowledge through PLAY! By teaching in a multi-sensory fashion, using music, rhythm, and rhyme, children gain the skills they need for kindergarten in a setting of relaxation and fun!

She is now a Children’s Songwriter, Recording Artist, Storyteller for young and old, Producer, Consultant, and proud member of both the Connecticut Storytelling Center and ASCAP, for both writing and producing. She is also an active member of SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators).

Margie's Programs are "Live" in Schools and Librarys Again!

After 18 months of Zoom classes and events, Margie's programs are in-person once again.  Margie is fully vaccinated and adhering to all CDC guidlines.

Email for more information.

 © Caryn B. Davis Photography